Publishing Services
What Does it Take to be One of Our Authors?
We are looking for authors who have timely words for this generation. We seek to assist those authors being their message to the largest possible audience. We produce a quality product designed to enhance the appeal and communicate the value of timely messages. We want you! We need quality materials for this generation to turn the nations toward God. We believe that revival and reformation is imminent. We want to hear from authors with such timely words.
What do Our Authors Receive?
Cover Design
Type Setting
Light Editing
ISBN Registration
Library of Congress Number registration
Distribution on and
Distribution to top 10,000 independent bookstores*
Representation at Book shows
200 copies of book to Author
50%+discounts for Author’s purchase of additional copies
10%+Royalties to Author on books sold by Lighthouse Publications
Setting the retail price
Facebook Page
Book Tour Promotions and Book signings
Press Release and Palm cards
Author Website
YouTube Trailers
120 days from Manuscript submission to finished product*
*We cannot guarantee that bookstores will carry your book. But, we make your book available to them. And, if they decide to carry your title, we will work with them to promote your book in their store.
How Much Does it Cost?
We have one flat rate price for all authors - $5000.00. That covers some of our costs to publish and distribute your book. We make it our focus to sell your book rather than focusing on selling you copies of your book. Distribution. Timing. Discounts. Sales. Royalties. All of these things reduce your overall risk and maximize your influence. That's our goal. We want to market you. And, your book(s).